Local heating and air conditioning companies recommend performing duct inspections whether you’re buying a new house or observing a long-term maintenance plan. The ductwork is an essential component of air transportation within a home, and keeping it free from debris and damage will improve not only the efficiency of your HVAC system but also your home’s indoor air quality.
Here are key reasons to regularly schedule ductwork inspections:

Higher energy savings. If left unchecked, ducts can deteriorate rapidly over time. From sagging to cracks and leaks, there are several issues that can cause you to lose the needed heating or cooling inside your home. All of these issues create unnecessary wear and tear, which can drive up your utility bills over time. Be sure to seal or tighten loose ducts to save on energy usage as well as maintain a comfortable home.
Improved indoor comfort. According to reputable furnace companies, the number one culprit behind a failing duct system is the presence of debris buildup. Any dirt, dust and particulates that have accumulated in the ductwork can obstruct airflow, causing the HVAC system to work harder in order to move air throughout the living space. Getting rid of clogs allows the conditioned air to flow freely inside the system and helps ward off damage.
Better indoor air quality. When your HVAC system is turned on, any filth lurking in the ductwork is distributed throughout the house, contaminating the indoor air. Dirty ducts can also produce unpleasant odors. Have your ducts inspected and cleaned every three to five years to prevent soot, bacteria, insects, pollen and other pollutants from building up in your ducts. Duct cleaning improves indoor air quality and keeps your home clean and safe for all occupants.
All Seasons Inc. is among the premier heating, air conditioning and electric panel companies in and around Tacoma, WA. Our top-rated technicians are committed to providing the comfort and efficiency every residential or commercial client needs through industry-leading products and outstanding customer service. Call us today at (253) 465-8981 or fill out our contact form to set up an appointment.