Comfort and efficiency are key factors when maintaining a commercial HVAC unit. This helps ensure your customers, employees, or tenants maintain productivity in your business. However, leaving the usual maintenance duties to your staff won’t be enough to keep your system running smoothly. It should still undergo professional maintenance checks conducted by a trained HVAC technician. All Seasons, Inc. discusses what you can expect in a routine commercial HVAC service call:

Thorough Cleaning of the HVAC Units
Professional HVAC cleaning is required, especially when you consider the fact that the units operate almost daily throughout the year. During the inspection, they’ll carefully check your HVAC units for any signs of leaks and damage. This ensures air flows smoothly through the coils and fins. The usual obstructions like dust, dirt, and debris are cleared out. If this isn’t handled correctly, the dirt buildup can eventually cause clogs and decrease airflow. This will lead to poor indoor air quality and your system won’t sufficiently maintain comfort.
Heating and Cooling Tests
To ensure that your commercial HVAC heats and cools your building efficiently, your hired technician will conduct several tests to determine the unit’s performance. They’ll conduct an air test in each area of your building to determine if they’re receiving sufficient airflow. They’ll also adjust your system in case some areas are too hot or cold to achieve optimum air balance and maintain indoor comfort.
Refrigerant Charge
The refrigerant is a crucial component that cools or warms the outdoor air before it’s pumped into your building. It essentially regulates the indoor air temperature and maintains comfort through a process involving air blowing over the fins and coils of your system. Your technician will check if the refrigerant is within acceptable levels. Otherwise, it is an indication that there’s a leak in the refrigerant lines. They’ll patch it up and refill your HVAC units with refrigerant.
Count on All Seasons, Inc. to ensure long-term function and performance of your commercial HVAC system. Call us today at (253) 879-9144 to schedule an appointment. You can also complete our online contact form to request a service appointment! We serve Tacoma, WA, and the nearby communities within Pierce County.