The Top Reasons Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking Water Inside Your Home
Finding water in your house where it doesn’t belong is an obvious cause for concern. Not only will you be worried about the source of the leak and how much it will cost to fix it, you’ll also be concerned about exactly how much damage has been done to your home. When it’s your AC unit that’s leaking water inside, you need to act fast to prevent major water damage as well as costly repair bills.
Here All Seasons Inc., one of the most trusted AC and electric panel companies in the region, shares some of the top reasons your AC is leaking water inside your house.
- Improper installation. If your newly-installed air conditioner is leaking, it may be due to a poor installation job. One possible cause of this issue is that the air conditioner and drainage pipes are out of proportion, obstructing the flow of water to the drain pan. Note that water likely won’t drain properly if the pipe is positioned higher or at the same level as the central unit. Instead, it will flow back and leak inside the unit.
- Damaged condensate pump and drain pan. The condensate pump, which is found below the cooling coil, drains out excess water from the condenser drain pan to stop water leakage. If it’s broken or filled with dirt, the pan will fill up and overflow. Rust, cracks and gaps can also form in old drain pans and cause water leakage, according to professional air conditioning companies.
- Your drain pan is old. If your drain pan is more than 10 years old, it may have turned brittle due to corrosion. Cracks and holes can form in old pans, leading to leaks. You can prevent issues with your drain pan and drain line by having your AC maintained annually. While checking the unit, the technician will inspect it for warning signs like these and take care of small issues like a dirty drain line before a leak can form.
For more information on how you can prevent AC leaks, turn to expert AC and furnace companies like All Seasons Inc. Schedule a FREE consultation by calling us at (253) 465-8981 or completing our online form today. We serve homeowners in Tacoma, WA, and the surrounding areas.