As you prepare your home for the colder months, it’s important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to furnace maintenance. Unfortunately, myths about heating systems are everywhere—passed along through word-of-mouth or unreliable sources online—and they can end up costing you comfort, efficiency, and money. To help you make smarter decisions, here are five common furnace maintenance myths you should not follow. By understanding the truth behind these misconceptions, you can keep your home warm while avoiding unnecessary expenses.
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While myths are often harmless and easily debunked, some persist and widely believed by some people. In terms of indoor air quality, such myths and misconceptions can impact someone’s quality of living, perhaps even affect their health over the long term. In today’s post, All Seasons Inc. debunks some of these persistent myths.
… Continue ReadingHow Long Do Commercial HVAC Systems Last?
Well-designed and manufactured HVAC systems should last decades before they show signs of wear and tear. Over time, they may show signs of breaking down even with regular maintenance. In this post, All Seasons Inc., one of the best furnace companies in your area, discusses the factors affecting your HVAC system’s lifespan and performance.
… Continue ReadingWhy Is There a Burning Smell When I Turn on the Heat?
When turning on your heat for the first time in a while in Tacoma, WA, you probably noticed a burning smell. It may take time to figure out what causes it. Throughout this blog post, we’ll explain why there may be a burning smell when you turn on the heat and the dangers of ignoring it. We’ll also provide some tips on how to fix the issue so that you can keep your home comfortable all winter long. We’ll also offer some advice on resolving the problem so that you can keep your home comfortable all winter long.
… Continue ReadingImproving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality
Pollution in the air outdoors can come from various different sources, and the air in your home is no better. You may think that your indoor air is cleaner compared to the air outdoors, but according to some studies, it can often be two to five times worse. And if you or a family member randomly suffers from a cough or allergies while indoors, this is a big indicator that your home’s indoor air quality has been affected in some way.
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