“Green” construction is growing in popularity thanks to the need for homeowners to tackle the problem of rising energy costs. In fact, many homes today are constructed using standards that require improved airtightness and insulation. The energy efficiency is there, which is excellent, but the downside is that the natural flow of fresh air into the home is arrested, resulting in poor indoor air quality.
Understanding the Limitations of HEPA Filters
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which are found in numerous air-cleaning products, have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rating of 13 to 16. This means that these components have the ability to filter airborne particles as small as 0.3 microns with 75% efficiency.
Choosing Between Programmable and Smart Thermostats
Thermostats for residential HVAC systems are no longer limited to the manual type. Sure, manual thermostats still have their uses, but there are two new and exciting options on the market today that allow homeowners to customize their home’s comfort levels in ways that make regulating your home’s temperature much easier and more convenient. These options are programmable and smart thermostats.