Signs That Indicate Problems With Your Furnace

Winter is just a few weeks away, which means if you haven’t done so, you should be taking steps to make sure you have a reliable heating system for the entire season. If you have an old furnace, make sure that you keep an eye (and ear) out for signs that indicate issues that could lead to a breakdown in the middle of the season. All Seasons Inc. shares some of the most common signs that you should watch out for.

Unusual Noises

Wear and damage on the furnace can result in distinct noises, which means if your furnace is making noises that you haven’t heard before, it’s worth getting looked at by your heating technician. Here are some examples:

Decreased Efficiency

You’ve probably heard people compare furnaces to cars, in that they lose efficiency over time. While it is true that furnaces lose efficiency as they age, it’s definitely not the same rate as cars. A brand-new fuel or gas furnace is typically between 80% to 90% AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating, which means they convert that percentage of fuel or gas into heat. High-efficiency furnaces can be up to 97% efficient.

Efficiency drops as furnaces age at a slow rate, to the point that there is a noticeable decrease in performance. You can have your heating technician assess your furnace’s AFUE rating and compare it with the factory rating. If the decrease is around 10%, it means you’re not only losing that amount to wasted energy, but your furnace may also be more likely to break down when you least expect it.

If you notice one or more of these signs, have your furnace inspected by our professionals at All Seasons Inc. You can call us at (253) 879-9144, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve Tacoma, WA and the surrounding communities.