The summer season is already upon us and your home will need to stay cool and comfortable in the upcoming months. This means checking whether your air conditioner is still in good condition. The last thing you want is for it to malfunction on a very hot day! All Seasons, Inc., one of the top heating and air conditioning companies in the area, discusses the things to check before cranking up your AC this summer.

Air Filter
Your AC filter catches any outdoor debris and keeps it from entering your air conditioner. With this filter in place, indoor air is clean and free of unwanted pollutants. Before firing up your AC for the summer, clean or change the filter to get rid of dust and dirt. Otherwise, it can impede airflow and force your AC unit to work harder. Replace the filter according to manufacturer instructions. Depending on your AC usage, you may have to do so more frequently in the summer months.
Evaporator Coils
Many air conditioning and furnace companies also call these cooling coils. They absorb the heat from the indoor air via the refrigerant, which then releases it outdoors in an exchange of cool air. The coils must be cleaned at least once a year to ensure that they remain efficient while in use. Otherwise, they can affect your system’s cooling capabilities, causing it to consume more energy than necessary to maintain indoor air quality and comfort.
Refrigerant Lines
The refrigerant lines connecting the indoor air handler to the outdoor condenser unit must be properly insulated. With adequate insulation, they will keep your entire air conditioning system running efficiently. You can have this checked by a professional during a routine inspection and they can identify any minor issues and make the necessary repairs.
All Seasons, Inc. is one of the leading HVAC and electric panel companies in the region. Our experienced and certified technicians are ready to make sure your home remains comfortable all summer long. Call us today at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our online contact form. We serve residents of Gig Harbor, Tacoma and surrounding areas.