HVAC Factors to Consider When Finishing a Basement

Finishing a basement is a major undertaking, not just because of the scale of the project but also because of how it can affect your home’s HVAC system. Here are a few tips to follow that will help ensure your HVAC system doesn’t experience problems during or after the project, straight from one of the best air conditioning companies in the area.

HVAC Factors to Consider When Finishing a Basement

Consider an Upgrade

When finishing your basement, you need to make sure that your HVAC system can handle the burden of regulating the temperature on that level. If necessary, you can choose to either expand your current HVAC system or get an additional unit. This way, your current HVAC won’t be forced to work beyond its capacity.

Leave Some Space

Air conditioning and furnace companies strongly advise checking to make sure that there’s enough space around your HVAC unit to ensure proper air circulation, and that the unit is easily accessible for maintenance purposes. Take note that the amount of space necessary varies depending on local building codes, so there’s no need to second guess the specifications.

Check the Humidity

Basement-level air conditioners can be very different from those that are above ground level. Make certain that you factor in the humidity level, or you’ll end up with a basement that feels stuffy and is prone to mold and mildew. Extra humidity can also increase wear and tear on your HVAC system, so get help from an expert to see what can be done to control basement humidity.

Get Good Insulation

HVAC and electric panel companies would advise you to install adequate insulation in your basement, even if the basement is already surrounded by a thick layer of soil. This is because the soil’s temperature can vary greatly depending on the time of the year. Properly insulating the walls will ensure that your HVAC unit produces constant temperatures all year round.

Get HVAC-related services from the best in the area. All Seasons Inc. is the leading HVAC contractor in Puyallup and Tacoma, WA. You can call us at (253) 203-6200 or fill out this contact form to request a free estimate.