From hail and wind damage to lightning strikes, inclement weather can damage a commercial property in a variety of ways. While most company owners take steps to prepare their facilities and defend against these weather threats, many overlook a section of the property that is especially vulnerable to damage during storms and harsh weather: the rooftop HVAC system.

Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can take to make sure that your rooftop HVAC units can handle even the worst weather. We discuss some of them here.
1. Consider the drainage around your unit. You don’t want water to flood the outdoor unit of your HVAC system when it’s raining. This can cause damage to your system and make it work less efficiently. So, you’ll need good drainage around the unit to make sure water doesn’t pool up around it. If possible, put the unit on higher ground.
2. Inspect your rooftop HVAC unit. Make it a habit to look around your rooftop unit often. This will help keep it in good shape. Check for dirt, leaves or debris that could be blocking your unit’s airflow. Also, keep an eye out for loose panels or screws.
3. Give it some shade. You can build a shelter over your rooftop unit to give it shade and allow consistent air circulation. Shading options include:
- Metal or plywood cages. Keeping debris out of your HVAC system is an important part of keeping it running for a long time. You can protect your rooftop unit from strong winds and windborne debris by putting it in a cage made of metal or plywood. These cages protect your unit while letting air flow through them well.
- Tarps. Hail is one of the main causes of damage to rooftop HVAC units. You can cover your unit with a thick, breathable tarp to keep it safe. You want to make sure the cover fits well so that hail can’t get in and damage the coils and fins.
All Seasons, Inc. is a trusted HVAC company you can rely on for all your residential and commercial heating and air conditioning needs. We also offer electrical repair work and panel replacements and upgrades. Call us today at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our online contact form. We serve residents in Tacoma, WA, and the surrounding communities.