Your HVAC system works hard to keep your home comfortable throughout the year, and the more it runs, the more dust and debris will accumulate inside the air ducts. Overlooking this buildup can have a negative effect on the system’s life and performance, so you’ll want to have your ductwork cleaned immediately. But first, take a close look at the air ducts. Here All Seasons Inc., one of the area’s trusted electric panel companies, shares how to inspect your ducts.

Check the air vents and registers. Do this when the HVAC system is running. Dust and debris flowing out of the vents and registers indicates dirty ductwork, plus` possible clogs further along in the system. If you want to conduct a more thorough checkup, unscrew the grill of one of the vent registers and take a look inside with a flash camera.
Watch out for rodent droppings and signs of mold. Are there dead insects, mold and rodent droppings inside the duct system? If so, these not only indicate an infestation problem–it’s also highly possible you have holes in your ductwork, which makes it easy for unwanted guests to enter the system. Call one of the premier air conditioning companies in the area, All Seasons Inc., for a comprehensive inspection of your ductwork and the appropriate solution.
Look for possible leaks. It’s not just debris and dust buildup you have to worry about in your duct system.–you should also check for potential leakage, which can compromise thermal comfort in your home and lead to significant energy loss. Turn your HVAC system on and feel around the duct connections to check for air leakage.
Once you’ve noticed issues with your air ducts, turn to an HVAC professional like All Seasons Inc. We’re not just one of the area’s leading furnace companies–we can also handle your duct system needs. Our trained, experienced technicians will accurately diagnose the problem and perform the necessary repairs to keep your HVAC unit in good shape and performing well. We serve the areas in and around Tacoma and Gig Harbor, WA. Call us today at (253) 879-9144 or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation.