When checking out their HVAC system, many homeowners just consider the main unit with all the mechanical parts. However, you should also pay close attention to the air ducts. According to one of the leading air conditioning companies in the area, some of the biggest problems that can affect your HVAC system’s performance arise from faulty air ducts.

Lower energy efficiency. A faulty air duct will keep regulated air from flowing back into the room. Because the room isn’t getting any cooler, the HVAC system will use up more energy than usual just to achieve the same results as a unit with good air ducts. This means faulty air ducts can have a significant effect on your system’s energy efficiency.
Bad air quality. The HVAC system is also designed to help keep the air relatively free of airborne particles that can cause respiratory issues. With faulty air ducts, there will be less air circulation in a room. The irritating particles remain, and the air also gets stale. AC and furnace companies strongly recommend having the air ducts checked if you notice a significant decrease in air quality.
Fluctuating indoor temperature. Lack of good airflow means cool air is trapped in the air ducts, while the rooms stay warm. Once there’s enough air in the ducts to finally resume airflow, there’s already too much cold air, so that the temperature drops abruptly. The airflow is then interrupted again, causing the room to warm up. An inconsistent room temperature can cause a lot of discomfort for people inside the home.
Professional inspection required. Because checking the air ducts can be difficult for inexperienced individuals, it’s best to have them checked by certified HVAC and electric panel companies. They’re more familiar with identifying air duct-related issues, so they’ll be able to recommend different options to ensure the ducts are in good shape and the air keeps flowing.
Let us help you keep your HVAC system’s air ducts problem-free. All Seasons, Inc. is the leading HVAC company in Tacoma, WA. Call us at (253) 465-8981 or fill out this contact form to request a free quote.