4 Handy Tips for Effective Summer HVAC Maintenance

Summer welcomes backyard barbecues and outdoor fun, but it can also be the perfect time of the year to do some home maintenance. One of the areas you should focus on this season is your HVAC system, which will be under lot of strain due to increased cooling needs during summer. All Seasons Inc., one of the leading electric panel companies in Washington, shares how you can better maintain your HVAC system during the warmer months.

1. Change air filters

Keep your home healthier this season by changing your air filter. Improved indoor air quality will reduce dust, microbial contaminants and volatile organic compounds in the air you breathe at home. If you have a disposable air filter, replace it with a new one. If you have a reusable filter, make sure to wash it according to manufacturer instructions and let it fully dry before inserting it back into the filter compartment. All of these can lead to healthier breathable air, but it doesn’t hurt to invest in an upgrade as well.

All Seasons Inc., one of the top furnace companies in the region, offers Carrier Infinity Air Purifiers. With the brand’s patented “Capture & Kill” technology, this exceptional option collects contaminants like dust, pollen and mold spores from the air and destroys them. Now you can enjoy the ultimate in cleaner, healthier air inside your home.

2. Check all return air grilles and registers

Make sure they aren’t shut or blocked. If they are, airflow can be restricted through your system, causing a number of performance issues. In fact, it could be the reason your system overheats. Check to ensure furniture, rugs, carpets and other items are not in the way of vents as well.

3. Inspect exterior cooling equipment

Clear debris and brush away grass clippings that may have gathered around the unit. You should also trim any vegetation that may have grown around it. In addition, refrain from storing outdoor furniture and other objects near your exterior cooling system.

4. Consider installing a zoning system

If you have many unused areas in your home that take up a considerable amount of cooling energy, you should think about investing in a zoning system This way, you can reduce energy wastage while ensuring proper HVAC system performance. All Seasons Inc., one of the premier air conditioning companies in Washington, how you can do this in your home.

For all your summer HVAC needs, look no further than All Seasons Inc. Serving Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and nearby WA communities, we offer our high-quality products and services to help your HVAC system continue performing at optimum efficiency. To schedule a consultation, just call us today at (253) 879-9144 or fill out our online contact form.